I will never again complain about long waits at immigration in Mexico for my visa renewals.
From the BBC.
More than a century after she crossed the Rio Grande from Mexico into the US, Eulalia Garcia has become an American citizen at the age of 101.
"I feel really good about what I have accomplished - at my age and with my health," she said.
Ms Garcia, who entered the US on 12 October 1909, became a citizen on the 101st anniversary of her arrival.
She said the first thing she wanted to do as an American was vote in the mid-term elections on 2 November.
"Sure, I do - for the best [candidate]," Ms Garcia said.
The naturalisation ceremony took place on Tuesday in a federal courthouse in Brownsville in the US state of Texas, where Ms Garcia has lived almost all her life.
She now joins an elite list of only 15 immigrants over 100 years of age who have been naturalised as citizens, according to the US Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services.