Taxi rates in Mexico City are on the way up, after many years without an increase and near constant complaints by DF taxi drivers, whose rates are fixed by the city.
Story at El Universal
Taxis rides are already very cheap in DF - cheaper than anywhere else in the country, and the rise is modest.
New rates are now as such:
2-door taxis (such as VW bugs) now start at 6.40 pesos (up from 5.80) and go up 1 peso every 250 meters or 45 seconds.
4-door taxis start at 7.04 pesos with the same per-meter rate.
Sitio taxis start at 10.56 and rise 1.25 pesos per 250 meters.
Overnight taxis will still tack on 20% to the fare, as before.
To put it in simpler terms, a ride to the airport from my area in Escandon will rise from a total of 60 pesos to 68 pesos. I can deal with the rise as taxi drivers deserve the break.